September 17, 2018

Merrell Maternity

“Dear old world,’ she murmured, ‘you are very lovely and I’m glad to be alive in you.” -Anne of Green Gables

When Hope & I went location scouting about a month ago, we knew this secret rose garden would be the perfect location to take their maternity pictures.  Hope & Dayton found out they were having a little girl, and they wanted a setting that would match the loveliness of their new daughter.  The first day we tried to take pics, we got stormed out. We had just a few minutes to snap a few pics (my last post), but we went back out this past weekend…..andddddd I’m so thankful we did! Look at this beautiful couple, with their little girl in the golden sun, among the roses! Baby Merrell, you are lovely, and you are loved.