May 2, 2019

Just Married: Mike & Jourden

Congratulations to the newly married, Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Jourden Cook!

There are times in life when you meet an amazing person, but there even more rare times to meet an amazing couple– but Mike & Jourden and they are truly one of the kindest, most sincere, and amazing people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Within minutes of meeting them, I knew instantly I wanted to be their photographer.

They braved a harsh and cold day in St. Louis for their engagement photographs as well as extreme humidity inside the Missouri Botanical Garden for the most extreme weather difference for their session! They were amazing! Their wedding and ceremony was at my now favorite venue, NEO on Locust in St. Louis, and with all of the open windows and lighting, their wedding was one of the most beautiful weddings I’ve ever seen!

Mike & Jourden, thank you for entrusting me with your day and I hope you are enjoying married life together!